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Associació de Comerciants
© 2025 Mirall de Pedralbes. All rights reserved.
#5: all of the above. Assume ambition, criminality and corruption, and all the rest follows lomhaally.gcia; you say:>I say; _especially_ if it is effective. Crooks hate cops.
The Home Depot controls over 33% of tools sold in the U.S and Canada. Not a monopoly so to speak, but this is unlike any other market in power tools in the world. I personally enjoy shopping at all of the major retailers and each have there pro’s and con’s, but from my perspective working in the power tool industry The Home Depot far too often has monopolistic behaviors in how they conduct business and treat their vendors.I just have one word “Karma.”
I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!
Why is it my responsibility to help Germans get rid of their shame???? If they want to get rid of it it is up to them to act in a different manner at each new opportunity. They don't so I don't give a sh*t about all that inconvenient messy guilt. Now let me go eat my matzah.
This is a noble list. I applaud the strength of your convictions.And I'd love to tell you that I too will be avoiding Dancing with the Stars. Because, you know — Bristol Palin. Bad. Giving attention to any more Palins is just bad.But… don't you want to see her embarrass herself and shame her family? Just a little bit? Come on.
The explanation with ice is almost like this site…I think anybody who has even a small expirience in car driving can easily find the answer for all these accidents.Please start the discussion that Russians drink vodka as water. It’s so funny I am Russian, but now I am living outside Russia. And I count my words: Russian drivers not as bad as drivers from many other countries.